Vision & Verse

 Vision & Verse

In 2017, Kerri MacDonald and I proposed something a bit unusual: we wanted to run some poetry in the news section of The New York Times. Over the course of several months we selected poems, secured the rights to run them and paired each poem with a photographer who would make photographs inspired by their reading of the poem. The first installment, America Today in Vision and Verse featured six poems about America and ran online and in an award winning print section designed by Wayne Kamidoi. 

The installment was such a success that we were asked to do it again, and in 2018, in the throes of the Me Too movement, we ran Being Women: Poetry and Imagery. Two years later, we revisited the theme of America as the pandemic swept the country with America 2020, In Vision and Verse.

Read the 2017, 2018 and 2020 stories.